
2018-11-02 10:58:46 来源: 齐鲁壹点 作者:


  指导老师曹彬 作者高欣然 滨州实验学校四年级二班






  Let My Journey Begin

  滨州实验学校八年级二班张佳妮 指导老师李超

  Socrates once said that the greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we prefer to be. In fact, I had never had an accurate goal in my mind before.Like a lonely boat drifting aimlessly in the sea,I could neither see nor know clearly what would happen. Not until that moment.

  At about half past 9 on 8th August 2017, an earthquake struck Jiuzhaigou County in Sichuan Province in China. For the first time in our lives, my family and I were at the epicentre. Tall buildings falling apart, terrified people screaming and crying, we were completely shocked.

  Although my family and I survived the horrible incident, we were never the same. That earthquake somehow changed us, especially me.After witnessing the tragedy – the faces of scared children, the crying of desperate parents, and blood everywhere – it was hard for me to forget. I realised that people were so vulnerable while facing the harsh nature. From that moment, I have dreamt of becoming a doctor, a healer for all the people in need.

  If I were a doctor, I would cure the ears of “Beethoven” so that he could hear the beauty of music. If I were a doctor, I would heal the eyes of “Helen Keller so that she could see this wonderful world again. If I were a doctor, I would try my best to treat Steve Jobs so that he could continue the miracle of the Apple company. If I were a doctor, I would save the life of Mr. Lu Xun so that he could keep fighting the darkness with his pen. If I were a doctor, I would be able to help those poor victims in Jiuzhaigou, instead of just watching.

  When I became a doctor, what I wanted to do was to fight against death, to pull them one by one from the edge of dying. More importantly, I want them to continue with their dreams. I believe that everyone should have a chance to be what they prefer to be. Just like me.

  Bernard Shaw once said: “there are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart"s desire. The other is to gain it.” I want those who have suffered from pain and misery to regain the hope of contributing to the world. Even if could only save one patient, even if I had to start from zero, I"m willing to try!




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