Adventures of Umair And Journalists

2016-12-20 09:39:00 来源: 大众网 作者: Umair Azhar

  This is an article written by a young energetic Pakistan guy whose name is Umair. An accidental opportunity, Umair joined us as one member of our press tour which consisted of 60 members who are from different medias from China.


  Sea lion Show Photo/Hanchunyi

  The second day of our trip 2016-12-16 started with the mouthwatering breakfast. After that I had the most thrilling experience of my life in the Oulebao Europark(欧乐堡度假区) 5D(5-Dimemsional) universal visit which raised my goosebumps to the extreme. Highest mountains with sudden steeps, from the heart of the sea to the galaxy touching clouds of the sky, from ancient human history to modern and extremely developed life style, from the elephants and birds to the sharks and whales,these all perspectives were covered in that 5D visit.

  Going to the wooden art (中国自然博物馆群)was also an amazing thing in Europark. There we saw some masterpiece of wooden arts covered beast sculptures , various Chinese dynasties, period of Alexander the great and many many Buddha sculptures. One of the fabulous and eye catching sight for me was that very special kind of tree whose price now a days is equal to the price of the gold, said by one of my good Chinese friend who is the journalist.



  Took a great buffet and then left for the Yinan county as our next destination to explore. Traveling towards Yinan was also an unforgettable journey consisted of gossips, singing in red song chorus, self-introductions and a lot more. In the evening around 5'o clock we reached in a very good hotel(沂蒙红色影视基地接待中心). They received us in an honorable way, presented gifts and greetings to us. Journey of that marvelous day ended on really outstanding dinner along with press conference. During this phenomenon more gifts were distributed in guests.

  ---Umair Azhar



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